We have gathered every year since 1980 to honor God, those in positions of leadership, our military and the many others who serve our great state. Bringing people into God’s presence through prayer also brings us together as the people of Hawaii. Therefore, it is with bowed hearts of humility that we join together in seeking His blessing with a strong conviction that God loves all people equally and His love and blessing extends to everyone who will receive Him.
In the spirit of the National Prayer Breakfast, held annually in Washington, DC, the purpose of the Hawaii Prayer Breakfast is to bring people of faith together to seek God in a time of prayer and fellowship. With respect for differing beliefs and backgrounds, the Hawaii Prayer Breakfast unites people in their belief of God. Together, we can be assured that the Almighty oversees and intersects us providentially in our everyday affairs.
A natural outgrowth of the prayer breakfast is a like-minded fellowship that arises among people of faith as they share stories of how God has tangibly intersected their everyday lives. May we encourage you to receive these biblical promises of God. God is for us not against us! He wants the best for our great state, and as Psalm 84:11 reminds us, we can be assured that God “does not withhold any good thing from those who live uprightly.“ This is the inspiration for our state’s motto
God’s invitations and promises lead us toward becoming a blessed people. These were given to you, to our state, and to our nation. Read them. Meditate on them. Trust God to bring them to fruition in your life. And remember, God hears every sincere prayer!